What you need to know about Cryptocurrency Shiba Inu 🚀

2 min readOct 12, 2021


About Shiba Inu

  • Created in August 2020
  • Modeled off Dogecoin
  • Made by the same anonymous founder as Dogecoin: “Ryoshi”
  • Over the past 10 months, Shiba Inu has had an ROI of 590,000%


  • Dogecoin was created as a joke as a cryptocurrency that was not intimidating to use based on the Shiba Inu doge meme
  • Dogecoin was never intended to have any real-world value, and the creators had never expected it to pick up so much traction
  • Around mid-2020 dogecoin began to surge as people realized their ability to take the coin to 1 cent

Where does Shiba Inu come into all of this?

  • In August 2020 as dogecoin was in the middle of its frenzy Shiba Inu was created
  • According to “Ryoshi” Shiba Inu could outpace the value of dogecoin without ever reaching 1 cent

Why Shiba Inu?

  • Operates on the Ethereum Network
  • 50% of Shiba Inu was given to Vitalik the creator of Ethereum
  • Shiba Swap (Provide liquidity, Buy/Sell NFT’s, Stake your tokens)

Why has the price been soaring?

  • Getting listed on major exchanges
  • Elon Musk Tweets (400% rise)
  • People believing this might be the next dogecoin
  • A general acceptance of cryptocurrency as more institutional investors began to accept the reality that cryptocurrency is here to stay

1¢ ???

It's unlikely that Shiba Inu will reach 1 cent as in order to do so the market cap of the currency has to be over 3 trillion dollars.




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